Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

 Program: White House Fellowships

  Agency: President's Commission on White House 

  Next Deadline: Jan 15, 2013
  Provides 11 to 19 fellowships for gifted and highly 
  motivated young Americans to gain experience in the 
  processes of government. Fellows are selected on a 
  non-partisan basis and typically spend a year 
  working as full-time, paid special assistants to 
  senior White House staff, the vice president, 
  cabinet secretaries and other top-ranking 
  government officials. Fellows also participate in 
  an education program that includes public policy 
  seminars and study trips. See for 
  details. Email:
  CFDA Number:N/A

  Contact: Cindy Moelis, Director
            Fellowships Office
            1900 E Street, NW
            Washington, DC 20415

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Just a reminder that there is a planning session for the Italy trip, Rebels of the Renaissance,tonight, at 5:00 p.m. at the Leadership Engagement Center.

Dr. Pellegrini will teach us how to craft our own paninis (grilled Italian sandwiches) for dinner. Please take a moment to reply to this email to let us know you are coming so we'll have plenty of food.

The Leadership Engagement Center is located north of the Sharwan Center and south of the Institute. It is across the street from the west end of the PE building at 561 W University Blvd.

Hope to see you tonight.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Just a reminder that there is a planning session for the Italy trip, Rebels of the Renaissance, this Thursday, at 5:00 p.m. at the Leadership Engagement Center.

Dr. Pellegrini will teach us how to craft our own paninis (grilled Italian sandwiches) for dinner.  Please take a moment to reply to this email to let us know you are coming so we'll have plenty of food.

The Leadership Engagement Center is located north of the Sharwan Center and south of the Institute.  It is across the street from the west end of the PE building at 561 W University Blvd.

Hope to see you then!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just another reminder dinner tonight and information on the Rebels Of Renaissance. It will be held here at the LEC, 561 W. University Blvd. If interested message me or call me Cindi at 586-1910 thanks. Have a great day, hope to see you there.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meeting Tomorrow night at 6 pm dinner of lasagne, and information on trip to Italy. All who are interested please come it will be held here at the LEC. Bring a friend or family member, all are welcome. Message me if interested, or any questions.